Holy Spirit Baptism

You repent of your sins, you believe, you get baptised - in water and in the Holy Spirit. That’s the normal pattern of Christian initiation.

But there are many Christians who are not filled or baptised with the Spirit, just as it was with the disciples in Acts 19:1.

We do not believe that the baptism of the Spirit is something automatic or unconscious at conversion but is the result of a definite conscious experience which is subsequent to believing. This is why - in addition to personal prayer which can be requested at any point from our Prayer Ministry Team - we give regular opportunities in our services for believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit changes lives. Each Christian has a ministry given to them by God. The Holy Spirit enables, empowers, energises and equips every member of the body of Christ to perform this ministry - in the church and in the world. He gives us special gifts and anointing to minister to the needs of people and see the church edified and built up. He also fills us with the presence, power and purity of God and makes it possible for us to live out our purpose effectively on this earth - for our joy and for God's glory.

In our services we regularly pray for people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Sometimes - and this also happens during times of prayer ministry too - people may react physically or emotionally to the presence of the Holy Spirit: laughing and weeping, shaking and falling, lying prostrate, etc. Equally, there may be no outward reaction whatsoever, even though God is doing something quite remarkable. Reactions or their lack thereof say nothing about the level of one's spirituality or the legitimacy of a spiritual experience. People can respond differently to the presence of God but what matters is that people have a genuine encounter with God.

Speak to a member of the Pastoral Team if you want to receive prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and/or if you would like us to help you identify and exercise your spiritual gifts.